Thanks to Lynn James for his help over the last few years·and welcome Pat Flath and Alfred Lata as new Co-Chairs. I look forward to working with all three in the future. We all owe thanks to Vic Bendall for his willingness to V'll"ite up all the interesting work he has been doing. I understand he has recently begun using a IBM compatible, perhaps we can coax him into sharing any useful tricks he learns. How about it Vic?
1) We can now accept submissions for either the Macintosh or IBM. ASCII works great on the Mac.
2) Since we are not getting many submissions, starting with this issue we will only publish when sufficient material arrives. No material no newsletter. It's up to you people. We can't expect Vic to fill every issue.
3)The US mail system failed to deliver the Fall issue to so me subsaibers. Additional copies are being sent.
Dr. Pascal from Visible Software is now available for VAX/VMS. This version is identical to the MS-DOS version. Usual compile and editor commands are 4-10 times faster than DEC VAX Pascal. Please call 609-683-4386 for further information.
Paul Smiths College
Paul Smiths, NY 12970
Alfred J. Lata
Dept. of Chemistry, 2010 Malott Hall, University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045