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Sticky Keyboards


Victor Bendall
Eastern Kentucky University

Note: This article was scanned using OCR from the Winter 1989 CCCE Newsletter. Please contact us if you identify any OCR errors.
Sticky Keyboards on the Laser128 The Laser 128 is the most successful of the cheap Apple II clones. Recently, however, we have been plagued with keys that either did not respond when depressed or demanded several successive taps before reluctantly responding. Since these computers are out of warranty, we decided to try to fix them ourselves. It turns out to be a simple operation to do despite the label on the base which says "no user serviceable parts inside."
You will need a fine bladed screwdriver, a Phillips screw<fiver, diagonal pliers, four 2 inch blocks, and several pencils with clean erasers on them. The following step-wise procedure should be followed.
1. Turn off the computer and remove all attachments including power and monitor leads.
2. Turn the computer over and remove the nine saews which hold the case together. There is a screw in each corner, one in the center of the front and sides and two shorter ones next to where the handle is attached to the case.
3. Turn the computer right side up again. Turnit so that the keyboard is away from you. You are about to remove the plastic strip that covers the rear of the computer. It's the strip with the red warning label on it and the raised letter descriptions of the various points of attachment.
4. The plastic strip is held in position with small clips which engaged as the strip was pressed into place. Release the right hand third of the strip by putting the fine-bladed saewdriver into the right edge and prying it back. There are two clips on that edge which should come loose. Now pry the top of the right third and release it.
5. Now do the same to the left third of the strip to release it.
6. There are two clips in the top of the middle third and one at its base. Pry with the screwdriver to release them. The plastic strip will come off. 
7. Note how the handle rests in slots in the .case. That is how it must be replaced when the case is reassembled.
8. Turn the computer so that the keyboard is before you and lift off the top cover.
9. Lift the keyboard unit and slide it towards you an inch or so. Look down behind it and you will see where it is attached to the computer unit with four white plugs sitting side by side. Disconnect the plugs. Use the blade of the screwdriver to help loosen the plugs and slide them off the pins.
10. It is best to work on the keyboard without pressure on the keys. Turn the unit so that the keys are underneath and support it at each corner on the four blocks. There's a rubber block stuck to one edge of the unit. Take care not to knock it off. [It's not vital if you do remove it- the computer will work without it).


01/01/89 to 01/04/89