Note: This article was scanned using OCR from the Fall 1992 CCCE Newsletter. Please contact us if you identify any OCR errors.
The ACS Division of Chemical Education's Committee on Computers in Chemical Education is sponsoring a computer conference on "Applications of Technology in Teaching Chemistry." We hope that papers will be submitted on the use of computers, video, audio, films and other technologies which are used in teaching chemistry. The "meeting" will consist of several sessions each containing five papers.
This is the first computer conference held by the Division of Chemical Education and is viewed as an experiment. Participants and authors of papers will be asked to evaluate the "meeting" at the end of the conference. Thomas C. O'Haver, of the University of Maryland will manage the meeting and prepare a report summarizing the conference and the evaluations. It is expected that some of the papers, discussion and evaluation will be published in book form. It is hoped that computer conferencing will become a permanent part of the Division's program.
Authors must have access to Bitnet or Internet. The title of the paper and an abstract of not more than 1 50 words should be sent to Thomas C. O'Haver(T02@UMAIL.UMD.EDU) via electronic mail before February 1, 1993. The full paper must be submitted by May 1 , 1993. Assistance on handling graphics will be available through the conference manager. Authors will be sent instructions either prior to or after submission of an abstract. Submit your request to TO 2@UMAIL.UMD.EDU. Presenting a paper does not preclude publication; in fact we encourage subsequent publication.
There will be no registration fee. However, everyone who registers must make a commitment to participate in the conference. All participants must have access to either Bitnet or Internet and become familiar with electronic mail prior to the meeting.
Registrants will have an opportunity to practice prior to the conference. Assistance will be available through Thomas O'Haver. You will register by sending the following message to LISTSERV@UMDD.UMD.EDU SUBSCRIBE CHEMCONF-L <your name> before June 1, 1993. The titles and abstracts will be available to registrants on March 1 . Those wishing not to participate can notify LISTSERV by April 1 .
Those having a terminal or work station and the necessary communication software can receive assistance in obtaining a link to Bitnet or Internet by writing Dr. Thomas C. O'Haver, Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland, College Park MD 207 42 (Phone: 301- 405-1831).