ftp benny.bsc.mass.edu anonymous <Cr>
your_email_address <Cr>
cd pub <Cr>
cd moby <Cr>
binary <Cr>
get mobyread.me <Cr>
get mobydemo.exe <Cr>
get manualps.exe <Cr>
quit <Cr>
At this point you will have the binary version of the files in your direclory on the computer that is connected to the lnlernet. Your local information services folk can advise you on the best way to transfer these files to your microcomputer. MOBY version i .5 runs best on a 486 or386. The 386 will require a math coprocessor. MOBY requires 530 K of RAM to be free. The mouse driver must be installed before running MOBY. If you have a problem with the local file lransfer, it will probably be thai the files are not being transferred as binary files.
mobydemo.exe is a selfextracting archive file that contains the demo version. manualps.exe is a self-extracting file that contains a postscript version of the demo manual. Make a directory called c:\MOBY and copy the files to it. Then run the files and they will selfextract.
The demonstration of MOBY, version i .5, can also be obtained by wriling to
Raye Scovern Hazan Electronic Media Depl. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010
Pricesforthe complete new version of MOBY are in lhe file READ.ME which you can find in the directory c:\MOBY afler you install the program. The site price for 10 or more copies is quite attractive. Please read both: MOBYREAD.ME and
READ.ME for further information about MOBY.