Editor Brian Pankuch, Department of Chemistry, Union County College, Cranford, NJ 07016 pankuch@ hawk.ucc.edu.
Submissions: General articles should be sent to editor Brian Pankuch at the above address. We would appreciate both 1) printed copy ( hardcopy ) and 2) a readable file on a Macintosh or IBM compatible 3 l/2" diskette. We have fewer problems with 3 !12 " diskettes. Submission deadlines: Fall issue- Sept. 25; Spring issue- March 15.
RATES; USA 1 year $2.50, two ye·ars $4.50: Other countries 1 yr $5, two yr $9. Please make a check or money order payable in US funds to Computers in Chemical Education Newsletter. One to three issues are published per year.
Consulting Editor Donald Rosenthal, Department of Chemistry, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 1367 6. Send meeting notices, etc., to Don.,