I could give the example of digital watches. When they first came out setting the correct time was awkward frequently requiring a pointed tool and each was different. Now the usual watch stem has the usual function.
Computers and systems in general will know you, learn about your needs, and understand both verbal and nonverbal languages. An example is the video tape of Apple's hypothetical Knowledge Navigator and its lifelike machine persona with the ability to be a prized, friendly, extremely attentive, well trained personal assistant. Speaking for myself I could use one right now. Apple's current version of Newton the hand held message pad is much improved over the first model. It is helpful but has a long, longwaytogoto be this intelligent assistant.
''The best metaphor I can conceive of for humancomputer interface is that of a well-trained English butler. The 'agent' answers the phone, recognizes the callers, disturbs you when appropriate, and may even tell a white lie on your behalf. The same agent is well trained in timing, versed in finding the opportune moments, and respectful of idiosyncrasies. People who know the butler enjoy considerable advantage over a total stranger. That is just fine .... If you have somebody who knows you well and shares much of your information, that person can act on your behalf very effectively. If your secretary falls ill, it would make no difference if the temporary agency could send you Albert Einstein. This issue is not about intelligence. It is shared knowledge and the practice of using it in your best interests."
If you've experienced some frustration with keeping up with the tremendous amount of information we have available. " ... Imagine a future in which your interface agent can read every newswire and newspaper and catch every TV and radio broadcast on the planet, and then construct a personalized summary. This kind of newspaper is printed in an edition of one."
Virtual reality has the interesting potential of making realistic simulations useful, allowing the user to practice rare and dangerous events without for instance wrecking a real airplane landing in fog in San Francisco. Clever breakthroughs will allow use of holograms without necessitating hardware that gives resolution of 1O,OOOtimes that of your TV. Holograms combined with devices that sense where you are looking will provide some very realistic simulations. Simulations where you are the molecule and "experience" what it is like to undergo a reaction, modeling of expensive or dangerous reactions and systems would be very interesting.
We are of course most interested in applying computers to learning. Rather than using computers just to shove facts into minds he suggests that one might learn about frogs not by dissecting but by building a simulation of a frog. Students could be asked to design a frog to simulate the muscles, etc. They are probably using computers more than the average professor, and writing and reading more with email than they are in science courses. I've been working on simulations myself and it is a great learning and presentation tool, but programs like Director take quite awhile to use effectively. This could be a very interesting project for upperclassman or students who have developed more computer expertise.
Back in 1981 a conversation with Sheik Yamani led to an experiment with two dozen Apple computers and Logo introduced to rural, poor Senegalese children. These children showed no difference in adoption or enthusiasm than American middle-class children, they loved it.
Negroponte foresees the probability of having machines and appliances communicate with each other and us. Your computer or VCR will be able to instruct you on how to do a set of operations to accomplish your goal. Microsoft is already including Wizards to help graph, etc. Apple has the Apple Guide for its Macs and quite a bit of built-in help for its Newton.
The way we do science and medicine has changed dramatically over the last century. In a typical classroom there is little difference in how we are teaching now versus one hundred years ago. Pursuit of intellectual achievement will cater to a wider range of cognitive styles, learning patterns, and ways of expressing ourselves. Work and play will become less distinct using the same tool-computers-for both. Negroponte is very optimistic about this amount of power being in the hands of the young, despite much additional competition and challenges from all over the world.
This book is an interesting read. More material specific to learning would have been helpful, but sharing the vision of someone helping to shape the future and using the latest innovations is sure to spark some ideas of your own.