Authors of papers and their titles:
1. John Kenkel (Southeast Community College, Lincoln, NE) "On the Virtues of Industry-Based General Chemistry."
2. Carlos Castro-Acuna, Ramiro Dominguez-Danache, Mercedes Llano-Lomas and Graciela Muller-Carrara (Universidad Nacional Autonomade de Mexico) "General Chemistry at UNAM : Providing Our Heterogeneous Student Body with a Launching Platform to Succesfully Pursue Chemistry Careers"
3. Gabriela C. Weaver (Chemistry Department, University of Colorado at Denver) "Creating a Scientifically Literate Citizenry: What are the Long-Term Lessons that Students Should Take Away From General Chemistry?"
4. Brian Coppola (Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor) "Decisions, Decisions ... "
5. Connie Murphy (Dow Chemical) "What Chemists in Industry Need to Know'' (tentative title)