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Professor Paul B. Kelter
Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE 68588

Note: This article was scanned using OCR from the 1999 Spring CCCE Newsletter. Please contact us if you identify any OCR errors.

General chemistry is a course that serves a vast and diverse student audience. Deciding what students need to know upon finishing the course is difficult because the audience is so varied. For example, how are the needs of pre-medical and pre-health students different from those of agriculture majors? What does the chemical industry think that students ought to know? What is needed for the one-semester vs. twosemester course? How do faculty define a student "need" vs. a faculty "preference" in th~ curriculum? What are some creative ways of dealing with diverse needs?

The CONFCHEM Discussion List and Website will be used for this session

Authors of papers and their titles:

1. John Kenkel (Southeast Community College, Lincoln, NE) "On the Virtues of Industry-Based General Chemistry."

2. Carlos Castro-Acuna, Ramiro Dominguez-Danache, Mercedes Llano-Lomas and Graciela Muller-Carrara (Universidad Nacional Autonomade de Mexico) "General Chemistry at UNAM : Providing Our Heterogeneous Student Body with a Launching Platform to Succesfully Pursue Chemistry Careers"

3. Gabriela C. Weaver (Chemistry Department, University of Colorado at Denver) "Creating a Scientifically Literate Citizenry: What are the Long-Term Lessons that Students Should Take Away From General Chemistry?"

4. Brian Coppola (Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor) "Decisions, Decisions ... "

5. Connie Murphy (Dow Chemical) "What Chemists in Industry Need to Know'' (tentative title)
03/11/99 to 03/15/99