Each Fall the CCCE hosts online discussions of recent work of relevance to the use of computers in chemical education. The authors of each paper are available to discuss their work with the community on the days assigned to their papers, and both the papers and discussion are archived on our site. You do not need to be a member of ACS, CHED or the CCCE to participate in these discussion, but need to set up a free account by contacting the site moderator, Bob Belford at rebelford@ualr.edu.
Discussion Schedule
Oct. 29-31 21st Century Chemical Education, Harry Pence, SUNY Oneonta.
Nov. 02-04 Using Google Forms to Receive and Grade Online Lab Reports, Mark Ott, Jackson College
Nov. 05-07 PubChem Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary, Sughwan Kim, NCBI
Nov. 09-11 Chemistry and Diplomacy: Science Education and Science Communication in Disarmament, Jonathan Forman, OPCW
Nov. 12-14 A New Application for Discussing Chemical Ideas, Andras Stracz & Ivan Solt, ChemAxon
Nov. 16-18 CAMEO: A Place for Art and Science to Meet, Michele Derrick, Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Nov. 19-21 Why the ChemWiki?, Josh Halpern, Hope College
Nov. 30-Dec. 2 Henry Stewart Talks, Neil Bradman and Iris Margalit
Dec. 03-05 MolView: An attempt to get the cloud into chemistry classrooms, Herman Bergwerf
Dec. 07-09 Looking Back at 20 Years of the MOLECULE OF THE MONTH Website, Paul May and Simon Cotton
Robert E. Belford
Rick Spinney
ConfChem Protocols and TEST of email trigger
This is both a test of the ConfChem site and a post for new members on how we run ConfChem/Newsletter discussions.
We post papers and discuss them with their authors for three days. We do this by subscribing the confchem list (ConfChem@ualr.edu) to each paper while it is discussed. In this test I subscribed the list to the Newsletter homepage and made a comment on the homepage.
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL, but if this was a real question or comment that you want to reply to, click the link in this email, which takes you to the comment, and reply to the comment. That will trigger another email to the list. Please note, you need to log into the site, and only people who have accounts can comment, but anyone can read the comments. Contact me if you have problems.
This allows us to archive the discussions with the paper and allows people to follow the discussion threads.
If you are getting too many emails you can unsubscribe anytime and there are instructions at the bottom of each email on how to do this.
Please feel free to contact me in private if you have any questions or problems (rebelford@ualr.edu – do not reply to this email).
Let me repeat, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO EMAILS, but use the link in the email and reply to the comments that are under each of the papers.
Dec. 5 test, it appears some comments are not triggering email.
Received the Test email
Got it when I logged in.