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  1. From Demonstrations & Clicker Questions to Guided-Inquiry Activities: Resources for Integrating PhET Simulations into Introductory Chemistry Courses

    Emily B. Moore, Yuen-ying Carpenter, Robert Parson, and Katherine Perkins
    University of Colorado Boulder

    11/17/14 to 11/19/14
  2. Transforming the Chemistry Lab Notebook with Elements (TM)

    Dr. Layne A. Morsch The University of Illinois Springfield, Department of Chemistry, MS HSB 314, One University Plaza, Springfield, IL 62703

    12/08/14 to 12/10/14
  3. Organizing Chemical Information to Support Lab Safety

    Ralph Stuart, CIH, CCHO
    Chemical Hygiene Officer, Keene State College
    Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety

    11/20/14 to 11/22/14
  4. ChemEd X: An Interactive Hub for Chemistry Teachers

    Deanna Cullen

    11/10/14 to 11/12/14
  5. CheMarkup Slides and Notes: A Presentation Container for the Virtual Molecular Model Kit

    Otis Rothenberger, Illinois State University; Thomas A. Newton, University of Southern Maine

    11/13/14 to 11/15/14
  6. Spreading the Word About Crystallography in an International Year

    Brian McMahon, R&D Officer, International Union of Crystallography
    Michele Zema, IYCr2014 Coordinator, International Union of Crystallography

    11/24/14 to 11/26/14
  7. OrganicERs a Growing Online Community

     Justin Houseknecht and Jennifer Muzyka

    11/05/14 to 11/08/14
  8. 2014 Fall Newsletter
    11/03/14 to 12/10/14
  9. 2014 BCCE Symposium on Flipping the Classroom
  10. Review of Photo Software

    Brian Pankuch
    Chemistry Department, Union County College
    Cranford, NJ 07016

    03/30/03 to 04/03/03
