Each Fall the CCCE hosts online discussions of recent work of relevance to the use of computers in chemical education. The authors of each paper are available to discuss their work with the community on the days assigned to their papers, and both the papers and discussion are archived on our site. You do not need to be a member of ACS, CHED or the CCCE to participate in these discussion, but need to set up a free account by contacting the site moderator, Bob Belford at rebelford@ualr.edu.
Discussion Schedule
Nov. 4-8 OrganicERs a Growing Online Community, Justin Houseknecht and Jennifer Muzyka
Nov. 10-12 ChemEd X: An Interactive Hub for Chemistry Teachers, Deanna Cullen
Nov. 13-15 CheMarkup Slides and Notes: A Presentation Container for the Virtual Molecular Model Kit, Otis Rothenberg & Thomas Newton
Nov. 17-19 From Demonstrations & Clicker Questions to Guided-Inquiry Activities: Resources for Integrating PhET Chemistry Simulations into Your Course, Emily Moore
Nov. 20-22 Organizing Chemical Safety Information to Support Lab Safety, Ralph Stuart
Nov. 24-26 IYCr2014: Spreading the Word About Crystallography in an International Year, Brian McMahon & Michele Zema
Nov. 27-29 Thanksgiving
Dec. 1-3 The Advantages of Electronic Laboratory Notebook Use in Research Laboratories and Best Practices in Implementation, Jeremy Miller & Earl Beutler
Dec. 4-6 Proteopedia: A Powerful Tool for Biomolecular Communication and a 3D Web Encyclopedia of Biomolecules, Jaime Prilusky & Joel Sussman
Dec. 8-10 Transforming the Chemistry Lab Notebook with ElementsTM, Layne Morsch
Dec. 11-13 The ChemWiki: A Free Online Substitute for Commercial Chemistry Textbook, Delmar Larsen and Ronald Rusay
The CCCE Newsletter is a free service of the CCCE to the chemical education community and new participants are welcome.
Robert E. Belford