Marion Cass
(Carleton College)
Egon Willighagen
(Cologne University Bioinformatics Center)
Nicolas Vervelle, Timothy Driscoll
Miguel Howard
(Jmol Project
Kenneth Rath, Alan Peterfreund
Christoph Steinbeck
(Cologne University)
Ada Casares
(Richard Stockton College)
Irvin Levy
(Gordon College)
Abstracts of Papers:
The way educators typically use the Web to support their teaching in 2006 is arguably a regression from many of the ideals first anticipated in 1994. Time pressure, a reluctance to learn "difficult HTML", and pressure from the publishing industry has allowed the Web to retreat into "shrink-wrapped" black holes known as Acrobat files. An ever greater reluctance (by both authors and publishers) to appreciate the importance of deploying meta-data in a meaningful manner means that most often, these Acrobat files represent the bones lying in an information graveyard, stripped of any "reusability" and really fit only for printing (e-books have yet to take off in any significant sense). In our article (we hesitate to perpetuate the above by calling it a "paper"!) we discuss two particular themes. Firstly, how a greater emphasis on data capture and its re-usability, together with the use of open-source software such as the remarkable Jmol, can result in a much more meaningful and future-proofed way of presenting chemical knowledge to students. We illustrate this via two resources, one designed to introduce symmetry to chemistry students, the other a dynamical introduction to pseudorotation in fluxional molecules. These can be viewed at and Secondly, we address the issue of how to create holistic resources and to overcome the reluctance of stressed and pressured academics by discussing two recent phenomena, that of the "Wiki" and the "Podcast". The Wikipedia is perhaps the best known illustration of how a community can coalesce and produce something far greater than the sum of its parts. Podcasting, which seems to be taking off in chemistry, focuses on audio and video content, but seems divorced from other forms of content, and is currently rather less than holistic. Currently, these two broad themes about how the Web should evolve are more or less developing independently. The prospects of coalescence are discussed.
In 1997, we began collaboration with MDL Information Systems Ltd and incorporated our spectroscopy (JCAMP-DX) viewer code into MDL Chime. By 2005, when the contract ended, MDL had had over 2 million downloads of the free version of the browser plug-in. In 2006, we followed up with the release of JSpecView (, a JAVA based spectroscopy viewer, which can be run as an applet from a web page or as a standalone application. There are several expected uses of JSpecView, and in this presentation I will demonstrate examples where the applet can be used in a teaching environment for the interpretation of IR, MS and NMR spectra, delivery of spectral unknowns and in a laboratory setting in combination with Jmol and another JAVA applet for characterisation of visible spectra with Tanabe-Sugano diagrams.
Jmol ( is free software for displaying interactive 3D molecules. It is designed as a component that can be used as a standalone application, as an applet within the context of a web page, or as a display subsystem within a more sophisticated software package. Because it is written in Java and requires no special graphics hardware, Jmol runs on all major operating systems and web browsers. Jmol has been developed as a collaborative project using standard open-source software development methodologies and procedures. All source code is publicly available under the GNU licenses, facilitating experimentation, testing, public contributions, and peer review. Rendering representations can be controlled using an extended version of the RasMol scripting language. The Jmol applet allows web content developers to display interactive 3D representations of molecules within web pages, providing an upgrade path for users of the Chime web browser plugin. New capabilities are being added to Jmol on an ongoing basis. As Jmol has matured over the past few years, it has become an increasingly popular component in computer based molecular visualization. We expect Jmol's popularity to continue to grow as we continue to build into it additional new features, many of which will be demonstrated in this presentation.
Two self-paced chemistry courses were written to help improve student preparedness for first semester General and Organic Chemistry. These courses are delivered over the web using the OWL (Online Web-based Learning) system developed at the University of Massachusetts. The courses are designed to take ten to twenty hours to complete and are offered prior to the start of the semester. ChemPrep/General Chemistry covers topics such as matter, algebra, significant figures, nomenclature and dimensional analysis. ChemPrep/Organic Chemistry covers concepts such as Lewis structures, formal charge, geometry, hybridization and acid/base theory. Evaluation studies of the Spring 04 and Fall 04 semesters show that for those students who completed more than half of the ChemPrep units, course grades and retention rates in the subsequent chemistry courses were higher. The content, implementation, and evaluation of the ChemPrep courses is discussed.
The BestChoice online tutorial system designed by the authors has been used since 2002 in New Zealand to support both first-year university students and high school students in their learning of chemistry (4000 active users in 2005). 80 modules with content appropriate to the above cohorts have been written. In total there are 2500 screen views and 6000 possibilities for interaction generating feedback available. A selection of these can be viewed at by clicking on the DEMO MODE link.
The primary focus of BestChoice modules is interactive teaching using a programmed learning approach. We have made major strides in developing methods to simulate on screen pen-and-paper solutions to multistep problems. The paper will describe
factors taken into account in the design and implementation of BestChoice
our experience incorporating use of BestChoice into first year university and high school courses
how evaluation by over 8000 users has provided validation of the approach taken in BestChoice modules as well as useful insights for future work
This paper will discuss an online review course in stoichiometry aimed at students who are about to enter college chemistry and need a review of this important foundation material. The course uses the ChemCollective's virtual lab ( and the course delivery and problem solving tutor tools of Carnegie Mellon's Online Learning Initiative ( The course is set in the context of arsenic contamination in the groundwater of Bangladesh. This scenario highlights the utility of stoichiometry concepts in a real world problem and allows us to, as the course progresses, shift the theme to the challenges facing modern analytical chemistry. The course contains 15 modules ranging from the mole and molecular weight up through reaction stoichiometry, empirical formula and limiting reagents. Modules typically start with a video explaining the concepts followed by a few simple tutors that serve as interactive worked examples and then either a virtual lab or more extensive problem solving tutor. Our experiences with creating and evaluating this course will be discussed.
Moodle ( is a free, open-source course management system that emphasizes community building, critical reflection, and collaborative work. It provides a powerful array of tools not found in many commercial course management systems. It includes facilities for web publishing, equation typesetting, content management, adaptive prelabs and lessons, parameterized and hierarchical homework banks, Flash and SCORM learning objects, assessment, detailed student tracking, and record-keeping. Moodle is under active development, and is supported by a large community of system administrators, teachers, researchers, instructional designers and developers. Being open source, the code can easily be modified to suit specific needs, and Moodle can run on any server capable of running PHP and MySQL.
Moodle has been used to teach chemistry at all levels of the curriculum at Frostburg State University for the last two years. In this paper, I'll outline the tools and features of Moodle, and demonstrate their application in our general chemistry, physical chemistry, and environmental chemical analysis courses. I'll also discuss the impact that Moodle has had on classroom dynamics and pedagogy in laboratory, lecture, and workshop settings.
JChemPaint ( is an open-source 2D structure editor for which recently two applet versions have been developed. One is a smaller viewer-only applet; the other is a larger editor applet. Based on the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK), the applet is quite rich in features, including 2D rendering of molecules and reactions, popup labels on atoms, structure diagram generation (diagram cleanup), optional use of templates, input/output capability including Chemical Markup Language (CML), SMILES, MDL molfile and many others, undo/redo capability, and much more. An installation of the editor applet is available on The NMRShiftdb application ( uses both the editor and the viewer applets. Being open-source, the JChemPaint applet can be customized for specific educational applications. Application scenarios in education as well as access information for interested users and potential contributors will be provided.
InterChemNet (ICN, is a web-based laboratory management and curriculum delivery system that incorporates spectroscopic instrumentation, student choice, and assessment of student learning. Data from studies evaluating spectroscopy curriculum modules in terms of assessment of student learning are presented. We discuss the use of ICN as a tool for action research in the laboratory setting, focusing on two modalities that can be facilitated with this technology: parallel curriculum improvement cycles and multi-campus assessment.
A wiki can be thought of as a combination of a web site and a Word document. At its simplest, it can be read just like any other web site, with no access privileges necessary, but its real power lies in the fact that groups can collaboratively work on the content of the site using nothing but a standard web browser. The wiki is gaining traction in education, as an ideal tool for the increasing amount of collaborative work done by both students and teachers. Students might use a wiki to collaborate on a group report, compile data or share the results of their research, while faculty might use the wiki to collaboratively author the structure and curriculum of a course, and the wiki can then serve as part of each person's course materials. Recently I've converted The Science of Spectroscopy, a well-known educational web site (, into a wiki so that the growing number of readers can now become writers and collaboratively build a richer and more useful tool. I'll demo the site, give a brief online tutorial on how to edit it, and provide any CONFCHEM participant an account to edit the wiki.