Note: This article was scanned using OCR from the 1984 Winter CCCE Newsletter. Please contact us if you identify any OCR errors.
If you would like to do word processing at home with letter-quality copy, but don't want to spend a lot of money, consider this. system: a Radio Shack Color Computer, the Telewriter-64 word processing program, and the Brother Correctronic 50 electronic typewriter. The entire system can be obtained for about $800. I have been using this combination for about six months and am very pleased with the results.
The Brother typewriter produces beautiful copy using interchangeable daisywheels which are available in several type styles. Although quite slow as a printer (12 cps), it has the advantage of doing double duty as an excellent electronic typewriter with features such as full line correction, variable pitch, and a repeat key. It can be purchased at discount stores for about $300. Add $150 for the computer interface. Brother will tell you how to make a cable to connect the interface to the Color Computer (parts are available at Radio Shack for a few dollars) .
Telewriter-64, although inexpensive, is a good word processor for home use. Cost ip $50 on cassette or $60 on disk from Cognitec, 704 N. Nob Avenue, Del Mar, CA 92104. Features include upper and lower case in several display modes, simple but effective editing capability, right justification, and the capability of using embedded format and control codes. It is menu-driven and simple to learn. The tape version operates surprisingly fast and has been very reliable. Used with the 64K Color Computer, you have about 40K left. for text storage.
This system gives yqu a good small home computer with a good BASIC interpreter and color, sound, and graphics capability. It operates with any color or black-and-white TV (I use a $50, 12-inch black-and-white for word processing). There is a fairly extensive collection of games, educational programs, and general purpose software available for the Color Computer. With this system you also have an electronic typewriter which can be used independently of the computer, without even disconnecting the interface. I especially like being able to correct mistakes in the final copy, using the typewriter mode. This is usually faster than going back to the word processor file, making the correction, then printing the document again.
*Department of Chemistry
Virginia State University
Petersburg, VA 28803